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Next Troop Meeting September 29

Meeting time: 7:00 pm at Dundee Presbyterian Church. There will be a signup sheet for a troop positions for those interested. Please check your Boy Scout handbook for position descriptions. SPL Jon P. will make his decision on whom to appoint by the Fall Court of Honor on Oct. 7.

– Mr. B


9/15/14 SPL Election Results

Time for re-elections! This fall the two candidates were Jon and Austin (there was one vote for Sully). The results were an astounding JON, as he takes his role as new Senior Patrol Leader. Austin and Sully have accepted roles as Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders.

Luke – Troop 42 webmaster





Troop Meeting Sept. 15, 2014 – SPL Election

Meeting time: 7:00 pm at Dundee Presbyterian Church. The Senior Patrol Leader election will be held as well as the election of new Patrol Leaders. If you are going to run for SPL, please have a short speech ready to read to the troop. There will also be a short presentation on popcorn sales.

– Mr. B


PLC (6 pm) & Troop Meeting (7 pm) on Sept. 8, 2014

The Troop 42 PLC will meet at 6 pm followed by the Troop meeting at 7 pm. The PLC will meet in the library. This will be the last meeting for the current members. Please bring any books that have been given to you so we can hand them out to the new PLC members after the Sept. 15 troop election.

Please remember:  This is the due date for the September campout permission slip & payment. Please find a permission slip to download on the website.

Plans for the Sept. 19-20 campout will be finalized during the PLC as well as plans for October’s Jubilee.


Mr. B


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