Take part in the second day of Scouting For Food, one of the largest food drives in our community that benefits local families. Meet the chapel stairs at Dundee Presbyterian Church at 9 am Saturday morning. Each patrol has a designated area and everyone’s help is important.
Monday, April 20th, is Troop 42’s chance to say “thank you” to Dundee Presbyterian Church, our Charter Organization. Our service project is distributing mulch to the many gardens on the church property. Bring work gloves, water bottles, and wheel barrows and “chip” in toward another gold year on our Journey to Excellence.
Yours in Scouting
Mr A
The Spring Court of Honor is Monday at 6:30 PM. Parents are invited to participate in the awards presentation and refreshments following. Please bring something to share: last names starting with
A-K bring something Savory
L-Z bring something Sweet
The Patrols have divided up responsibilities for the Court of Honor:
Set up 15 minutes early: Big Bang Patrol, Radioactive Llamas Patrol
Cleanup 15 minutes after: Spartan Patrol, Eagles Patrol
Flag detail: Wolverines Patrol
The Court of Honor will be conducted in the Parlor room, which is located on the first floor of the church.
Marc Anderson, SM
Elections for the troop leadership for the next six months will be conducted at the next troop meeting. All members of the troop will elect their next Senior Patrol Leader and patrol members will elect their Patrol Leaders. Assistants and other positions of responsibility are appointed and will not change until new appointments are made.
The SPL and PLs have done a great job of leading troop events and patrol activities since last October and deserve a round of applause. Well done!
Mr Anderson, SM