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Troop 42 January upcoming events

Lots of events scheduled in the next month. Here’s a quick review:

December 30: Christmas Tree Collection Community Service Conservation Project. Please RSVP in Scoutbook.

December 31, 2017: last day to turn in the Permission slip for the Klondike Derby at the early bird discount

January 1, 2018: Permission slips and YMCA Non-member Liability Waiver forms for Lock-In event due. Two forms are required, one for the YMCA, the other for troop to know how many people are attending for event and food planning.

January 5: Movie “Follow Me Boys” Details to be announced

January 6, 2018: Christmas Tree Community Service Conservation Project second day. Please RSVP in Scoutbook.

January 8, 2018: Permission slips for Klondike Derby due at troop meeting

January 12-13: Lock-in

January 15: PLC

January 19-21: Council Klondike Derby

January 22: Troop Meeting

January 29: Winter Court of Honor





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