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About Us


Since 1917, seven years after the founding of the Boy Scouts of America on February 8, 1910, Troop 42 has been helping shape the character and develop the leadership of Omaha’s boys and young men.  We are proud of our long history and of our ever-growing list of Eagle Scouts.  We consistently earn the Quality Unit award for which requires commitment to training, two-deep leadership, a planned program, service projects, advancement, Boys’ Life, outdoor activities, membership, Patrol method, and on-time charter renewal.

centennial patch proof

Troop 42 is a very active Troop. We meet weekly during most of the year, have campouts nearly every month, spend a week at Camp Cedars in June and have at least one high adventure every summer, usually in July.  Our leaders are committed to providing a quality and safe experience for your sons.

Contact Us

If you have interest in joining, questions or would like to discuss the scouting program with Troop 42 leadership, please email us at  If you want to specifically reach one of us, you can use: (Troop 42 Scoutmaster) (Troop 42 Committee Chair) (Troop 42 Treasurer) (Troop 42 Equipment Coordinator) (Troop 42 Webmaster)

Where we meet

Dundee Presbyterian Church
5312 Underwood Ave
Omaha, NE  68132

We meet from 7-8:30 pm on most Monday nights all year long, except for the Monday after a campout (or similar event) and during the summer when we meet every two weeks. Please check the Troop 42 calendar for the next meeting.

Monthly Outings

Each month the troop goes on an outing. Typically for these we leave on Friday evening and return on Sunday. These are usually camps, adventures such as hiking, fishing, etc.

Summer camp

Troop 42 attends a week-long summer camp each year in the area, usually at Camp Cedars.

High Adventure

In addition to the adventures each month, Troop 42 plans a High Adventure trip every few summers. Each four years, the troop traditionally goes to one of the Boy Scouts of America High Adventure Bases such as the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. The Troop also plans one extended trip after summer camp, such as a canoeing on the Niobrara  River or hiking in the Black Hills. 

Other Quick Facts …


Each August the Troop Committee sets the fees for the coming year. It has been the custom of the Committee to set the fees at the cost of registration with the National Boy Scout Organization plus the cost of a subscription to Boys Life magazine plus a small amount for troop expenses. The dues are pro-rated for Webelos crossing over in February.


  • The cost of outings are paid for on an “as you go” basis. Outings can be paid with the member’s Scout account – paid for by participation in fundraising.
  • For weekend camping trips (usually, one campout per month) menus and shopping lists for groceries are prepared by the Patrols. The troop collects the camp fee and permission slips, using the money to pay for food and any other camp fees before the outing. Typical fees are about $15-$20 per camper.
  • Uniform – $60.00 or so (if you purchase a new one). We encourage full uniforms.
  • Camping gear – $50-$100. A good sleeping bag and sleeping pad are needed, plus the Scout’s 10 Essentials. The troop provides tents, woods tools, and stoves and cooking gear for patrol use.
  • No boys will be denied a chance to be a Boy Scout because of expenses. Please contact the Committee Chair and/or Scoutmaster if you have any doubts about affording Boy Scouting.


  • Troop 42 sells Holiday Greens (wreaths, garlands, and the like) In October. These items are very easy to sell and many neighbors are repeat customers. Unlike Cub Scouts, the money earned from selling Holiday Greens is deposited in a Scout account for use for camp fees and scouting events. Consequently, this one effort is can be sufficient to support the yearly cost of awards and some activities.
  • Annual popcorn sales is an optional, voluntary, fundraiser for Scouts wishing to increase their Scout Accounts and support scouting.
  • Camp card sales is an optional fund raising program available to Scouts wishing to add to their Scout Accounts and provide revenue to maintain the council’s four camps. In addition to sales commissions, the Scouts may also earn free registration for summer camps and council Jubilee campouts.
  • The troop earns by assisting with service projects such as ballot collection during elections and by cleaning up Memorial Park after special events. However, this income is of secondary concern as our primary motive is to promote civic pride and responsibility.

Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement:

It is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping instill values in young people and, in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential.  The values we strive to instill are based on those found in the Scout Oath and Law.

Aims of the Boy Scout Program:

  • Growth in moral strength and character.  We may define this as what the boy is himself; his personal qualities, his values, and his outlook.
  • Participating citizenship.  Used broadly, citizenship means boy’s relationship to others.  He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives, to the government that presides over that society.
  • Development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body) well-tuned and healthy), the mind (Able to think and solve problems), and emotions (self control, courage, and self-respect).

Methods utilized to accomplish the stated Aims:

  • Advancement – Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to over come them through the advancement process.  The Scout plans his advancement and progresses at his own pace as he overcomes each challenge.
  • Adult Association – Boys learn from the examples set by their adult leaders.  Troop leadership may be male or female and association with adults of high character is encouraged at this stage in a young man’s development.
  • Personal Growth – As Scouts plan their activities and progress toward their goals, they experience personal growth.  The good turn concept is a major part of the personal growth method of Scouting.  Boys grow as they participate in community service projects and do good turns for others.
  • Ideals – The Ideals of Scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, Law. Motto and Slogan.  The Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve.  The goals are high, and as he reaches for them, he has some control over what he becomes.
  • Patrols – The patrol method gives Scouts an experience in-group living and participating in citizenship.  It places a certain amount of responsibility on young shoulders and teaches boys how to accept it.  The patrol method allows Scouts to act in small groups where they can easily relate to each other.  These small groups determine troop activities through their elected leaders.
  • Outdoors – Boy Scouting is designed to take place in the outdoors.  It is the outdoors that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with each other.  It is here where the skills and activities practices at troop meetings come alive.
  • Leadership Development – Boy Scouting encourages boys to learn and practice leadership skills.  Every Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations.  Understanding the concepts of leadership helps a boy accept the leadership roles of others and guides him toward the citizenship aim of Scouting.
  • Uniform – The uniform makes the Scout troop visible as a force of good and creates a positive youth image in the community.  Boy Scouting is an action program, and wearing the uniform is an action that shows each Scout’s commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting. The uniform gives the Scout identity in a world of brotherhood youth who believe in the same ideals.


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