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Camporee ribbons

Congratulations to winning competitors at the Scout Olympics!

Third Place Know Your Knots, tie between Radioactive Llamas and Eagles Patrols (no pun intended)
First Place Sit-ups, Curtis
Second Place Leaf ID 2nd, Eagles Patrol
Third Place Relay Race, Eagles Patrol
First Place Foot Race, Marshall

There were about 100 individual competitors and 20 patrols in the Lewis and Clark District Fall Camporee Scout Olympics. Well done!

Troop 42 was privileged to have eight cub scouts from Packs 17 and 365 visit us for the camporee. They all joined the events and pitched in to help as if they were regular members of the troop. The troop provided the flag detail Saturday morning, which included members of several patrols and cub scouts. The detail ceremoniously and flawlessly raised the Colors, followed by a round of applause, to officially start the camporee. It was a a great weekend to be in Scouting!.

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