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“Thank you!” to all who helped with election duty. Tonight, 42 scouts, siblings, parents, and friends helped receive polling place equipment for the 2017 Omaha City election. We could not have done it without everyone’s help. It is not every day someone says thank you for doing your job, but scouts doing a d good turn receive words of gratitude regularly. The next election will be in May of next year, and the Election Commissioner knows troop 42 and friends can b E counted on to help.

Spring Camporee Zombie Apocalypse

Despite the weather forecast, the rain held off until all the events were and didn’t start until the evening on Saturday of Zombie Apocalypse Spring Camporee. The Radioactive Llamas, comprised of members of the Llamas, Big Bang, and Spartans Patrols, earned 4th place overall in competition among three districts. Congratulations Llamas! Three patrols from Troop 42 competed in the scout skills events during the camporee, and the Ion Dragons and Thunder Knights showed their scout strength. Complete with a roaring campfire despite the heavy rains the day before, the campout was a great success.

Welcome New Scout Patrol

Five scouts crossed over from cub scouts into our troop in February, and have already made a name for themselves. Henceforth, they shall be called the Thunder Knights as decreed by their own act. In all townships they travel, the Thunder Knights will become known for their valiant scout spirit and good turns. Three cheers for the Thunder Knights!

Camp Cards are comig soon!

2017 camp card front (447x1024)Check out the new style camp cards for this year. They will be available for Troop 42 scouts to at the March 13th troop meeting. Salesmanship skills instruction will be during the March 6th troop meeting. All Scouts are encouraged to sell them for fundraising for the program. With even more offers, camp cards are a great bargain at just $5! Contact your patrol leader or the camp card coordinator on the adult staff if you didn’t sign up in advance, but wish to help pay for you scout events by selling camp cards. There are extra cards available first come-first serve. Camp card fund raising ends April 30th!

Troop 42 achieved Gold

Congratulations, Boy Scout Troop 42! The official 2016 Scouting’s Journey to Excellence report from our district commissioner shows the troop has a gold-quality program. The JTE assigns points for  achieving goals set by BSA. The troop earned gold points – the highest possible – on seven goals. They are Planning and budget, Advancement, Short-term camping, Long-term camping, Service projects, Patrol Method, and Leadership and family engagement. The gold ribbon is recognition from the Lewis and Clark District and Mid-America Council that Troop 42 has great Scout Spirit!

Do a good turn daily

Troop 42 contributed a combined 92 hours of community service already in the month of November! The scouts accomplished in one hour Monday evening what would have taken the Dundee Presbyterian Church garden volunteers a full day and a half to prepare the gardens for winter. Last week, forty scouts and their family members and friends from school, teams, and church volunteered to assist the county election commission on Election Day. Their contributions represent duty to country and earned the gratitude of staff and volunteers for the help. These service projects give 92 more reasons for our charter organization and government to be thankful on Thanksgiving!

Mr. A

Do you have a spatula I can use?

Scouts, plan to join your patrol to inventory, make repairs, and organize the contents of red troop trailer. The troop is fortunate to have the trailer because it makes getting equipment to and from camp much easier and faster. It is overdue for maintaining and cleaning to continue helping scouts to be prepared with a spatula, dutch oven, extra tent stake, or other equipment needed on an outdoor adventure.

Following the trailer maintenance, join the charter organization service project that has nothing to do with mulch! Patrols have the opportunity to help the Director of Children’s Ministries with storage management and taking care of the building. The church provides the troop a place to call home and the service will help the congregation continue to support scouting.

Bring a sack lunch, because the day is not over yet. After the service project, the PLC has planed a friendly showing of the all-time greatest scouting movie ever made. This is essential entertainment that has earned high ratings from critics and audiences alike.


8:00 am Meet at the Brownell-Talbot lot on Underwood Ave

10:00 am Move to the church to to perform the service project

12:00 noon settle in to the Youth Room for lunch and a movie

Summer Court of Honor

Patrols, scouters, and parents are invited to the Troop 42 Summer Court of Honor next Monday. Note the location change! from years past. This year, the Scouts have planned a cookout to go with the Court of Honor. The menu is  grilled hot dogs and hamburger provided by the troop and potluck sides provided by family members. Watch your email for the signup genius invitation and sign up to help make a sensational event. Scouts, wear your merit badge sashes and Patrols bring your flags!
See you there!
Mr A

Who: Scout, parents, and family members of troop 42
What: Summer Court of Honor and Cookout
When: 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Monday, July 25th
Where: Elmwood Park Pavilion
Why: Recognize Scout’s and unit achievements and
enjoy friendship in the outdoors

Memorial Park Concert this weekend

Friday is the annual Bank of the West Celebrates America concert at Memorial Park, and Saturday is the troop’s annual DayAfterTheConcert service project at the park.

Distributing empty trash bags Friday night before the concert makes the project a lot easier. Meet at the bottom of the memorial stairs at 5 pm Friday in your uniform to say hello and offer plastic trash bags to concert-goers. Field uniform (t-shirt, neckerchief and hat optional) is okay. When bag supply runs out, stay with your family to enjoy the concert and fireworks show!
Saturday morning at 7 am bring work gloves, water bottles, and people to help. Fifteen thousand guests can leave a TON of trash that our service is to pick up for disposal. It usually requires 2 or 3 hours to get the whole park cleaned, and the more help the faster it goes.

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July celebration and see you at the park Friday and Saturday!

Reply to this message if you want the scoutmaster to bring donuts Saturday morning!

Mr A.

First day of summer camp

All scouts who registered for summer camp are checked in, swim tested, and have made their homes at Butterfield Campsite. We enjoyed a break in the summertime heat late Monday afternoon when a thunderstorm rolled nearby, sprinkling just enough rain to keep down the dust on the trails. Our campsite is a good long walk away from just about anywhere, although we have plenty of space and no one is complaining. I am pleased to inform that the entire troop was present at morning flags, with the Ion Dragons Patrol wearing their best scout uniforms. Spirits are high despite the hot weather. It’s a great start to summer camp!

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