September Campout @ Ponca State Park
Hello Troop 42,
This year the PLC is making a change in the September campout. Instead of heading south, we’re heading north to Ponca State Park. There will be great hiking and camping, but just a different venue.
Please be aware of an earlier leave time: Drop off at 5:45 pm and departure at 6 pm. It’s getting dark earlier so a prompt departure in important. The weather forecast, as of Monday, is for highs in the low 70s and lows around 50. What great camping weather!
The return time is 11:00 am (estimate) @the 50th & Webster parking lot in Dundee on Sunday, Sept 13th. Please remember to turn in the September Permission Slip (available via the “Permission Slips” link.
Scouts: If you have any questions, please contact your Patrol Leader.
It’s going to be a great weekend!
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. B.,
ASM, Troop 42.